Relying on only one method of engagement with your audience is a bit like going to a party and only talking to the host or only watching one TV channel every night. Seems somewhat limiting, doesn’t it?
With the recent ban on Facebook and some businesses no longer able to freely share their own content, including the restrictions placed on their audiences also sharing their content, to invest in only one method of engagement is also restrictive.
Developing a robust and diverse Communications Plan ensures you’re never at the whim of sudden platform changes and you maintain control of your content.
Here are a few reasons why you should implement a Communications Plan for your business:
1. Consider a Communications Plan as a roadmap. You might already know where you want to go but mapping out a route ensures you arrive and remained on track.

2. Clarifies your relationships. By working through the communications planning process you will be able to easily identify your audiences, messages and the channels to best meet their needs and desires. A Communications Plan will help you to discover the most effective communication methods with your customers.
3. Focus. With so many distractions and clutter in the digital world, by following a plan you and your team will be able to remain focused on what’s important to your business.

4. Teamwork. Gaining input from your staff during the development and implementation process demonstrates that you value their contribution while gaining various perspectives from all aspects of the business. It also helps to build effective internal communication, which flows naturally to your customers and audience. You might also reveal who in the organisation is working hard to promote your brand and discover a rising influencer in the mix.

5. A stake in success. Involving your team during the planning stage facilitates a sense of ownership and a stake in the success achieved from having a robust Communications Plan. The more they contribute, the more meaningful they will find their work, which ultimately leads to loyalty and longevity within the organisation.
6. Measurable. Regularly reviewing and refining your Communications Plan and discovering what works and what doesn’t work, helps you to measure your success.
Now that you’re on the road to effectively communicating with your customers and audience, you might find these tips useful on HOW to create a successful Communications Plan.
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