Have you ever put aside the time to write your next blog or social media post to only come up nothing? Even the most seasoned of writers sometimes struggle to come up with great content so you’re not alone in your content creation struggle.
Here are three key tips to creating great content:

1. Make Headlines
With so much content out there, the impact of your headline can be the difference between someone reading your post or scrolling on by. There’s an art to creating a compelling headline and there’s much to be learnt from traditional publishing.
A good place to start is with magazine headlines. Check out some recent issues of relevant titles and play around with how you can make them work for you. The digital publishing platform Issuu features hundreds of magazines with fresh content based on current trends.
Also, check out the headlines used on industry blogs in your niche. For example, if you’re in the travel industry, what are the key travel blogs writing about?
Book titles are another avenue for research too, especially those that are written by best-selling experts. Amazon is a great platform to conduct your research.

2. Plan Ahead
Brilliant sparks of creativity certainly help with content creation, but consistency is key to content success and building trust with your audience.
Putting aside the time to create a content calendar provides a practical process to consistent content creation. By following a plan you minimise the creative struggle of trying to figure out what to write about.
Most importantly, planning keeps your readers and audience engaged by preventing your content from becoming stagnant, repetitive or appearing overly random.

3. Make every word count
When it comes to writing, less is always more. Your readers will thank you for taking the time to fine tune your content to be succinct in less words. Of course, there’s the temptation to load your post with SEO friendly words, but using the same keywords over and over will lose your readers attention pretty quickly.
As for your longer posts, why not make them work harder for your brand by redirecting readers to landing pages so you can capture your readers as leads?
Want more tips?
If you want more tips for creating great content, don't miss out on your copy of Fire Up Your Content Creation or get in touch with Carmen Jenner at carmen.jenner@focuswrite.com.au or 0408 906 026.